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The Syntax of Astrology

  • 121 Steps
The Syntax of Astrology Course


A product of over 20 years of research, this natal astrology course aims to teach intermediate and advanced students who want a more structured, yet simplified and reliable method to interpreting natal charts than has typically been available. It incorporates many traditional techniques, but a knowledge of Hellenistic or Medieval astrology is not required. However, it's assumed that you'll already have some basic knowledge of the chart symbols (signs, planets and houses) and what they mean. The approach focuses on learning astrology as one might a foreign language, where the structure and functionality of the symbols and other astronomical indicators are just as important as their vocabulary meanings. The linguistics are supported by Aristotelian and Hermetic theoretical concepts. The aim of the course is to give you ALL the tools you'll need to be able to begin to read a natal chart in both a therapeutic as well as a more practical manner. Although the focus of the course is on natal charts, illustrative examples are pulled from other types of charts, such as horary and different timing techniques. Our belief is that once you have a solid grounding in the astrological language, you'll be able to interpret ANY type of chart.



Course Overview

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