Astrological Services
All of our reports are individually tailored from the findings in your natal chart and personally analyzed by a LINCOS certified astrologer. We do not use AI or automated chart analyses for any of our reports. If you don't see what you need below, please fill out the query form below and we'll send you a quote for a Custom Topical report.

Natal Mission Report
The Natal Mission report consists of a birth chart analysis of your life's mission. This is a spiritually oriented report that analyzes the chart for the larger purpose and meaning of your current life.

Current Period Report
This report analyzes the current 7 year period and 7 month sub-period that you are in. Using our Triquetra system to examine the period, we'll tell you the most important inner and outer world changes that you can expect to navigate during this period of your life.

Natal Mission with Period
This report combines both the natal mission chart analysis as well as an analysis of the current 7 year period. It combines both of the above reports in one at a discounted price.

AstroLocality Report
This report analyzes which cities and countries on earth intersect with the different planets in your chart. If you are considering a move to another state or country, or are just curious about a trip, it's a great way to select certain places for different types of experiences.

Vocation Report
The chart can indicate the type of vocations you are most suited for and whether any type of career is tied to your mission in life. This is the perfect report for those entering college or otherwise looking with a career direction.

Annual Report
The perfect birthday gift for you or a loved one. This forecasting report examines the chart for indicators of the year's most significant decisions and alterations. It will also tell you what areas are undergoing slower changes.

Horary Query
A horary query is answered from the chart for a specific moment, rather than the birth chart of a person. Please read the the details below for instructions on how the time of the charts are established, and which types of queries are most suited to this method.
Custom Topical Work
We take pride in being able to assess the true potentials, as well as the limitations of the astrological language. Not all OUTER LIFE situations can be easily read from a single birth chart. Some situations require various charts and a detailed analysis of each, to fully unravel. Other situations are simply not detectable in the charts at all.
If you have a specific problem that you would like to consult with us about, drop us a detailed explanation of the situation, as well as the goal you wish to attain from the analysis. We'll be happy to consider the case. If we think we can help AND have the methods at our disposal to meet your needs, we'll work up a plan and give you an estimate for the work. If we don't think your goal is attainable, or the problem is undetectable through our methods, we'll let you know that too.
Our custom work is billed at $300 per chart. Reports are free.