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"LINCOS" is an abbreviation from the Latin lingua cosmica (cosmic language), a term first coined in 1960 by the Dutch mathematician Hans Freudenthal. Dr. Freudenthal formalized a mathematical language so that humanity might one day communicate with intelligent life outside of the earth. At LINCOS, we have adopted this term to refer to another formal language that has enabled humanity to communicate with the cosmos for millennia -- astrology.




My name is Maria J. Mateus. I have been studying astrology -- both formally and informally -- since I was a teenager. While my undergraduate background is in Psychology, in 2010, I also graduated with a MA degree in astrology (one of a handful in the U.S.) recognized by the state of Washington. It was during my formal studies at Kepler College, that I began to ask questions of astrology that it was not able to answer to my satisfaction. In an effort to answer what I felt were fundamental questions, I embarked upon a long and on-going program of research. The body of knowledge that evolved from this research was consolidated into a practical approach that I have termed LINCOS. 

But what is LINCOS? It is a linguistic approach to chart interpretation and investigation that is rooted in Aristotelian philosophy and traditional applications, filtered through a process of empirical testing. The reason I felt this work needed its own name is because it cannot be considered either purely modern, nor purely traditional. Fundamentally, I'm concerned with what works in a manner that is objectively verifiable. As such, much of our testing work is on outer world events and life descriptions, rather than on individual personality. This is because personality is notoriously difficult to test and frankly, not that informative for clients. What we do is to translate verifiable chart events and life conditions into linguistic propositions and procedures that become testable hypotheses that might yield more accurate and reliable interpretation methods.  

Maria J. Mateus
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