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Aug 8, 2024
Day and Night Charts
What is the purpose or mission of the life? A study of the luminaries in the chart gives us some clues.
Nov 5, 2020
Triquetra Timing
In this article, we expand upon the Turning of the Saeculum into a three-armed method of analysis in timing.
Nov 3, 2020
2021: The Next US Presidency
Astrological Predictions for the US Presidency
May 27, 2020
Delineating Signs
...signs cannot describe the state of how a house is, but rather the state of what it is trying to become more like!
Apr 27, 2020
Anatomy of an Aspect
Aspects are an easy concept to understand astronomically, but in my opinion, quite a difficult one to master in terms of interpretation.
Oct 17, 2019
Interpreting the Natal 8th House (Part 2)
Difficult to Interpret Series This is a continuation of an article examining the 8th house. In Part 1, we summarized the historical and...
Oct 17, 2019
Interpreting the Natal 8th House (Part 1)
In today's article in this series, we'll look at the 8th house of a natal chart and break down its components...
Aug 12, 2019
Lost Object Horaries
This will be the first in a series of posts about difficult to interpret charts or chart placements.
Jul 29, 2019
A Most Restrictive Dignity!
If you've ever done any chart work, you have probably come across a dignity table, which is a table generated by astrological software...
Jul 1, 2019
When Planets do the "Moon Walk"
In honor of the crab, which presides over the summer solstice month, I want to tell you a story about things which move backwards...
Jan 1, 2019
Working Qualitatively with Dignity
In traditional astrology, there are five types of essential dignities and two types of essential debilities. A planet’s sign location may...
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